Monday, 20 October 2014
Tracheitis Expectant Mother
Tracheitis - It's quite a serious disease, which is the inflammation of the lining of the trachea. Specialists share tracheitis on chronic and acute depending on the symptoms and characteristics of the disease.
During acute tracheitis human body normally transports and other related diseases such as acute rhinitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. In the period of the disease usually occurs edema tracheal mucosa hyperemia, small petechial hemorrhages.
The chronic form of the disease is the result of an untreated acute tracheitis. When hypertrophic tracheitis in a patient significantly expands blood vessels and mucous membrane is quite swollen. When coughing and blowing the nose is greatly increased sputum production, which becomes purulent.
Atrophic tracheitis, on the contrary, causes thinning of the damaged mucosa, causing dry suffocating cough that brings great discomfort to the patient.
Tracheitis in Pregnancy
Pregnancy - is a special time in any woman's life. Everyone knows that in this time period, each representative of the fairer sex are extremely susceptible to viral diseases and various infections, because all the body's focus on the development of the fetus.
Tracheitis during pregnancy may occur because of viral diseases, as well as being a reaction to allergens and air pollution. Among other things, tracheitis may occur in pregnant women who smoke constantly.
The main danger of leakage of tracheitis in pregnant women is the possibility of penetration of the viral infection to the baby through the placenta from the mother's blood. Chronic tracheitis can not only greatly undermine the health of the expectant mother, but also complicate future generations. If time does not diagnose disease, it can quite quickly spill over into bronchitis, which, undoubtedly, can affect the health of the unborn child. Time cured tracheitis (just during pregnancy) should not cause serious consequences to the fetus.
Why there is a disease
The main causes of acute or chronic tracheitis are viral and respiratory infections for which treatment was not carried out in full, which further provoked the complication of the disease in the form of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea.
Major symptoms may encounter pregnant
In most cases, the first symptoms of acute tracheitis can wait no longer and occur immediately after the onset of acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. One of the most important features of acute tracheitis is nagging cough , which in most cases is magnified in the night and the morning period. It is also extremely unpleasant choking cough can often occur when a strong inspiration (eg, yawning), laughing, crying and rapid temperature changes.
Patient during coughing feels annoying, fighting the pain in the throat , to pay for the sternum. This is the reason that almost all have been subjected to this disease through the power of trying to reduce their own breathing ability, in order to avoid the development of another bout of coughing. These and other symptoms of tracheitis lead to the fact that a woman has rapid shallow breathing and choking cough. Even with a small accumulation of phlegm provoked another bout of defense response, designed to cleanse the lungs.
If accompanied by tracheitis laryngitis, the patient may be hoarse, and for a short period of time to lose his voice . The general condition of the patient often changes slightly:
increased body temperature is not much;
very viscous sputum and before treatment with small amounts of leaves;
severe pain when coughing;
sore throat.
In some cases, tracheitis infects the upper bronchi, in such a situation is developing rapidly tracheobronchitis in which the cough is usually more painful and permanent. The temperature rises to 38 - 39 C.
The main symptoms of chronic tracheitis:
convulsive, extremely painful cough, especially annoying at night and in the morning;
muco-purulent sputum, can be a very scarce and very abundant;
course of the disease is often quite long, can flow with complications.
Methods of diagnosis of disease
Diagnose acute or chronic tracheitis may as local therapist and audiologist after a routine inspection, the complete collection of medical history and examination of the trachea using a Laryngoscope with early treatment the doctor listening can fix dry rales. At a later wet srednepuzyrchatye, which in most cases are uniformly distributed in both lungs. Basically wheezing is focused on the root and lower lobes of the lungs.
Treatment tracheitis
When pregnancy occurs acute or chronic tracheitis, should immediately seek professional help. Mainly treatment of tracheitis primarily aimed at identifying and addressing the causes of the disease and all the factors that contribute to its development. To alleviate the symptoms the patient appointed mustard on the chest area . When possible intoxication and further spread of the infection in the lower divisions doctor often appoint antibiotics and sulfa drugs .
When a painful cough often appointed Codeine, Libeksin, alkaline inhalation . When obstruction of sputum discharge during cough prescribed expectorants, such as licorice root, marshmallow and grass termopsisa.
If you suspect a virus infection, mostly influenza A or B shall be assigned on an individual drug regimen. This medicine is most effective in the early days of the disease. If a viral infection has not been established at the time of diagnosis of tracheitis, appointed by Interferon. Without analgesics and antivirals treatment is entirely symptomatic:
mustard on the chest and between the shoulder blades;
Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agents;
plentiful hot drink (milk, tea with lemon);
thermal inhalation;
bed rest.
For inhalations may be used as a conventional vapor inhalers, and ultrasonic. Thermal inhalation held at home by using anti-inflammatory drugs and herbs with mucolytic effect. In the absence of specialized inhalers can do without them, making the necessary infusion in an enamel saucepan, patient can sit down, leaning over a pan of steaming, covered with a light blanket or large towel and breathe vapors in this position for at least 5 minutes or until the complete cessation of vaporization.
For a good effect of inhaled frequently used propolis - a sticky substance gray generated by bees. Such inhalation recommended performed twice a day, morning and evening. Acute tracheitis, whose treatment was started in the early days of the disease can usually be pretty fast.
Traditional methods of treatment are best used in addition to the main treatment.
The most popular and effective recipes:
01. Tincture raspberry leaf . To prepare 2 tablespoons of dried leaves is necessary to pour boiling water (about 0.5 liters) and infuse for at least 2 hours. Used as a means for gargling.
02. Collection of leaves of eucalyptus, peppermint and sage, chamomile flowers and pine buds should pour boiling water for half an hour and put in a water bath. After that you need to pour the brandy into the inhaler and breathe in about 15 minutes.
03. Very useful tool in tracheitis considered tincture of one of the following plants: leaves mother and stepmother, yarrow, thyme, train and licorice root or marshmallow. 2 tablespoons of the above plants should pour boiling water (0.5 liters) and let stand for 2 hours. Before taking tincture need a good filter. Drink 0.5 cups a half hour before each meal.
With proper treatment of high-grade uncomplicated acute tracheitis usually pretty fast receding and after 10-14 days, there is complete recovery. Treatment of chronic tracheitis is almost identical to the treatment of acute course of the disease. If the treatment was administered on time and no serious complications, the prognosis is positive for two weeks after the call to the doctor.
Tracheitis, and treatment of the symptoms of which are complex, require mandatory intervention of medical professionals. In any case is not recommended to self-medicate, especially during pregnancy.
If the patient does not immediately seek professional help, tracheitis, home treatment which has not brought positive results are most likely to develop into a more serious disease of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, treatment is likely to be longer and more complex.
Often untreated acute tracheitis leads to the development of tracheobronchitis and pneumonia . If the patient is a pregnant woman, the disease can lead to complications during childbirth, as well as greatly undermine health has not yet appeared on the light baby.
Long flowing inflammatory process in conjunction with morphological changes in the mucosa can lead to the appearance of tracheal tumors , which can be both benign and malignant character. Allergic tracheitis under constant exposure to allergen is able to move in bronchial asthma.
Preventive measures that will prevent recurrence of the disease
Prevention of acute and chronic tracheitis mainly depends on early diagnosis and lifestyle of the patient as a whole. At the first onset of symptoms of viral diseases such as persistent cough, worse in the evening, runny nose, malaise, it is necessary in short order to seek professional inspection by a specialist. Do not forget that tracheitis is contagious, as it is the source of a viral infection.
It is important to try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fresh air, exercise, proper balanced diet, elementary hygiene can work wonders. Adhering to these simple rules and planting their own children can protect themselves and their various kinds of viral diseases and other ailments.