Thursday, 23 October 2014

Month after Miscarriage

In today's world of miscarriage in early pregnancy is a very common phenomenon. And many women are interested in, when their lives after this event will go down in the groove.
Including a number of days after the miscarriage come monthly, and when you can get pregnant again. All of these questions are quite natural and understandable, because on them depends the future of comfort women. Furthermore, in certain cases the nature of menses may indicate some or other irregularities.

Timing of the reversal of the menstrual cycle
Immediately after the abortion, many women may bleed, since that is rejected endometrium. Inevitably, the selection of blood and after curettage is because any surgery is associated with damage to blood vessels.
Day, when there is a miscarriage, in fact, is the first day of a new menstrual cycle. Accordingly, the normal monthly after miscarriage go on day 26-35, depending on the length of the cycle.
However, the first 2-3 months of menstruation may be different from what usually happens. Abundant selection depends on whether the scraping, and how well was cleaned out the uterine cavity. In addition, miscarriage - this abrupt change in the hormonal levels of the body, this also may imprint on the nature of the discharge. Discharge may be more or less plentiful and can vary the duration of menstruation.

Heavy menstruation
In some cases, after a miscarriage occur too plentiful monthly. Typically, this is due to the remaining particles in the uterus rupture of membranes. At the same time periods may be accompanied by symptoms suggestive of inflammatory processes: a high fever, weakness and pain.
Regardless of whether you have raised the temperature in the case of really heavy discharge, you must immediately receive from your doctor. Abundant monthly considered when you have to change the pad more often than every 3 hours, including at night.
After a call to the doctor is required to make a woman ultrasound to determine the cause of heavy discharge and if you find that the fetal tissue left in the uterus, it is necessary again to make scraping. After this procedure is repeated mandatory ultrasound.

Unfortunately, in some institutions re-ultrasound neglected. That often becomes the cause of such complications. So if you're after miscarriages appoint scraping, insist on Ultrasonography after the procedure.
Plentiful monthly is not only unpleasant and uncomfortable, but also dangerous. Bleeding can result in anemia. Therefore, this condition requires treatment. If necessary, as already mentioned, re-apply scraping and anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, be sure appointed styptics and iron preparations.

Pregnancy after miscarriage
It is worth noting that a purely physiological pregnant after a miscarriage can be in the first month. However, first, before trying to conceive again, you need to find out what was the reason for termination of pregnancy in order to prevent it in the future. Secondly, the body needs time to recover after severe stress, which, in fact, is a miscarriage.
Therefore, doctors recommend postponing a new pregnancy for about six months. All this time the need contraception and it’s typically, the choice to stop hormonal tablets. They are the most reliable and convenient. More about the features of conception and pregnancy after miscarriage →
If after a miscarriage monthly no urgent need to do a pregnancy test and its results sent to the doctor for an examination. Pregnancy is just one of the possible reasons for the lack of menstruation. In addition to it, the absence of menstruation can be associated with functional disorders of the ovary. In this case, you may encounter a long delay menstruation. It also happens that ovulation does not occur for several months after curettage. Find the exact cause can only be a specialist.

Miscarriage is a great tragedy for the woman and for her family. However, this is not a reason to run itself. The closer you are to treat their condition, the more chance you have of that the next pregnancy will end successfully. In particular, it is necessary to keep track of your menstrual cycle and in the case of violations immediately consult a specialist for a timely resolution of problems.