Vaginal candidiasis (or
thrush) is very often troubled women during pregnancy and lactation, i.e. in
the period of breast-feeding a baby. By the treatment of the disease in such
cases should be approached with great caution, as improper treatment can lead
to negative consequences not only for the woman, but also for the child.
In this article, we describe
in detail how to treat yeast infection during pregnancy, and what treatment is
best to follow during breastfeeding. You will learn the answers to all your questions.
Candidiasis in pregnancy: what
you need to know.
Sadly, during pregnancy thrush
faces every second woman. This disease can occur in the early stages as well as
in later. Often she worried expectant mothers even in the third trimester.
Thrush is the result of vital
activity of various species of the fungus Candida. In fact, the source of
infection is always present in the human body, namely the intestines. Here, the
presence of this organism is considered the norm. The micro-flora of the vagina
usually controls the amount of accidentally caught fungi, but as a result of
any adverse circumstances, the beneficial bacteria of the vagina begin to die
and the defenses of the female body are depleted. As a result, the number of
fungi begins to grow uncontrollably and this causes candidiasis.
Ignore the disease during
pregnancy and leave it untreated cannot. Climbing up, the infection can cause
the development of inflammation and diseases of the internal organs. The
consequences of adhesions are yeast - by as gestational becomes larger
gradually stretched uterine wall and because of adhesions in women have severe
pain. In addition, during birth, when the baby passes through the birth canal,
it can get candidiasis from the mother. Manifestations of the disease it would
be as follows: in the language you will notice small bubbles, and the entire
surface of the gums - whitish coating. Read more about the symptoms of yeast
infection in newborns
Traditional and popular
Begin to treat the disease as early
as possible is necessary after detecting the slightest sign of it. The scheme
of treatment of thrush should be developed by the attending physician, as only
he knows all the individual characteristics of the body of the pregnant woman
and the fetus.
As a rule, treatment for
candidiasis involves taking drugs miconazole or clotrimazole. These medications
are among safe for use during pregnancy. Also, your doctor may prescribe you
Pimafucin. It has no harmful effects even at high doses, but it is not as
effective as previous drugs.
Local treatment is assigned
when a woman because of thrush during pregnancy, there are copious. It involves
the use of vaginal suppositories, creams or tablets. To increase the body's
resistance to infections of various kinds is shown receiving immunomodulators
and multivitamins. In addition, she will need to revise your diet: Eat less
sweet, savory or pickled foods and more fruits and dairy products.
Cure yeast infection at home,
you can use the usual Zelenka or borax in glycerin. These funds do not provide
the complete destruction of the pathogen, but it will help get rid of the
itching and discharge. They should be careful to handle the vaginal wall. Do it
preferably at bedtime.
They are also effective means
of tampons soaked in honey solution. Carry out such a procedure is recommended
lying to 2 hours a day for 8-10 days.
Remember that during pregnancy
the use of most drugs is strictly contraindicated, so do not self-medicate.
Consult with a specialist, and he will prescribe the treatment that will be
perfectly safe in the period of gestation of the baby.
Than to treat candidiasis
during lactation
Treatment of thrush
breastfeeding based on the use of topical preparations. These tools include the
ointment Pimafucin. The main active ingredient in its composition is natamycin.
It belongs to a group of tetraene antibiotics. This medicine will not harm
either the mother's health or her baby.
Along with this drug for
candidiasis during breastfeeding doctor may prescribe Terzhinan. It is
antibacterial and antifungal agent, which is shown to be inserted into the
If you want to cure yeast
infection and folk remedies, the best means of lactation is considered soda
solution. To make it necessary 2 teaspoons soda dilute half a liter of warm
water. Use is recommended as a rinse affected areas several times a day.
In addition to soda solution
should be more use of green tea. It helps the body get rid of excess yeast.