Uterine Fibroids in Pregnancy
Upon detection of a disease of the reproductive system,
women often panic. Immediately raises a lot of questions about whether it is
possible to get pregnant, how to treat the disease and how dangerous disease?
Let's try to answer these questions about uterine fibroids.
is this disease and how it is dangerous
Fibroids appear in women during active cell division of the
uterus, this refers to a benign tumor. Note that the fibroids can occur just in
healthy women tend tumor arises from hormonal imbalance may be caused by
endocrine and metabolic or inflammatory diseases. Transferred intrauterine
intervention in history can also be the cause of uterine fibroids.
Moreover, quite often lately fibroids occur in young women,
which allows doctors to talk about hereditary factors provoke disease.
Dangerous fibroids, especially the fact that it is quite
often associated inflammatory diseases of the ovaries and appendages, breast
disease, dysfunction of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland.
The tumor may complicate pregnancy, if it adversely
localized, has a large size or broken power supply unit fibroids. Adverse
effects on pregnancy may have and diseases caused by its appearance.
fibroids stands at the following symptoms:
• Prolonged
and heavy menstrual flow;
• Pain and a
feeling of pressure in the pelvic area and lower abdomen;
• Occurrence
of disorders of the intestines;
• Pain
during sexual intercourse;
• Feeling of
pressure on the bladder.
of the disease produced by ultrasound of the uterus
influencing myoma uteri of birth
Upon detection of uterine many wondering whether they can
conceive a baby? Uterine fibroids are not a cause of infertility; however,
women with the disease can be quite difficult to conceive of the fact that the
tumor compresses the fallopian tubes and prevent the movement of sperm on them.
Also, the disease often disturbs the process of ovulation.
Small units that are in the muscle layer of the uterus,
have practically no influence on the process of embryo implantation. Typically,
during such pregnancy complications arise.
Ideally, before planning conception worth cure fibroids or
even remove it. If the tumor has a large size (more than 12 weeks' gestation)
is not worth the risk with distance, quite often these operations are
accompanied by profuse bleeding and the uterus is removed completely. After the
surgery to remove fibroids are allowed to plan a pregnancy after 6 months.
and Pregnancy
Often the detection of uterine fibroids occur after
pregnancy. In this case the woman is especially important to know how the tumor
can affect the pregnancy.
Risk factors for the presence of fibroids in pregnancy:
• Tumor size
of more than 7 cm;
• Tumor is
located close to the cervix;
• The woman
several fibroids distorting the uterus;
• Near the
attachment of the placenta of the mother node.
Often, fibroids can cause abortion by increasing uterine
tone provoked myoma nodes. Pregnancy can cause a disruption of the normal blood
supply to the myoma node, which in consequence may even lead to its collapse,
in this case, not only greatly increases the tone of the uterus, but there are
serious pain. If the attachment of the placenta occurs in a node, it will be
violated her right formation, which can cause miscarriage in early pregnancy,
placental insufficiency and cause detachment of the placenta in late pregnancy.
Most important for pregnant women with uterine, placental insufficiency in the
case, to prevent fetal hypoxia - it can cause abnormalities in the development
of the child.
for pregnancy maintenance
Unfortunately, no doctor and no survey can not establish
exactly how to behave in the tumor during pregnancy: will it cause
complications of the process of carrying a baby or will not cause any problems.
Some fibroids continue to grow during pregnancy, while others are significantly
reduced in size, but it is worth remembering that after birth the tumor usually
returns to its original size.
Given the possible complications that can occur in
pregnancy due to fibroids should be very carefully monitored course of
pregnancy. You must see your doctor regularly, do ultrasound and conduct
prevention of uterine tone.
Pregnant women with uterine must fully eat, sleep, refuse
to exercise, avoid stress.
Permanent monitoring of the fibroids allows time to identify
them and inflammation in case of detection of this disease in time to make a
decision about the need for medical or surgical treatment.
In any
case, a surgery to remove the tumor
If medication is ineffective and fibroid is destroyed, it
requires the intervention of a surgeon. Removal of fibroids in pregnancy is
done by laparoscopy; this operation is carried quite easily, but for pregnant
women are shown only when absolutely necessary, as it can cause miscarriage.
Health risks for women, this procedure does not work.
Laparoscopy - this is the most appropriate method of
removal of the tumor during pregnancy. The operation is recommended for a
period from 16 to 32 weeks. Later, the risk is too great.
with uterine
Fibroids can cause complications of childbirth. In the case
when it is in the area of the cervix, creates a barrier to the baby - in such
situations it is necessary to conduct caesarean section. Read more
The tumor can cause impaired coordination uterine muscles
during childbirth and lead to a weakening of labor. Also, there is a risk of
incomplete removal of the placenta.
Typically, childbirth in women with uterine tightening, and
after delivery the uterus is restored longer than the uterus without fibroids.
So, summing up, we can conclude that pregnancy and its
favorable resolution for uterine fibroids is possible only under close
monitoring of fibroids. In some cases, it is recommended to terminate the
pregnancy for medical reasons, when the risk to women's health is too great.
If you know that there have uterine fibroids before
pregnancy planning is essential to consult a doctor. Remember that only a
thorough study and treatment of fibroids - the path to the birth of a healthy