Habitual Miscarriage
The most severe test for women has always been and will remain a long-awaited loss of a child. The sudden interruption of a happy period of life, filled with excitement and anticipation, trouble or worry about the future of the kid, could be a serious blow to the psychological health of even the most strong and confident woman. Alas, modern statistics also brings consolation: the last time the number of diagnoses of "recurrent miscarriage" continues to grow inexorably. And what's even more frustrating - abortion increasingly comes when the expectant mother does not even know about it early.
Sudden miscarriage is certainly a strong shock to the woman, but the habitual miscarriage sometimes perceived not only as a sentence. So whether it is real or a conclusion is based only on the overwhelming fear? We will try to sort out this problem as detailed as possible so you did not have any more questions and doubts.
Diagnosis "habitual miscarriage," usually put occurred after two consecutive abortion, especially if they occur at approximately the same duration. The reasons for this state there are many, and the treatment cannot be called easy, but first things first.
What can be caused by abortion?
Distinguish six main cause miscarriage, namely genetic, anatomic, endocrine (hormonal), immunologic, infectious, and as a result of thrombophilia.
1. Genetic causes or chromosomal abnormalities
This is the most common factor in premature termination of pregnancy. According to statistics, by the fault of the somatic chromosome abnormality occurs in about 70% of all abortions. The majority of these violations related to the fact that in the process of fertilization participated defective sperm or ovum.
Each of us knows that the normal number of chromosomes in the gametes equals 23. However, it so happens that a lack of eggs or sperm (22), or vice versa - the excess (24) their number. In this case, initially formed embryo begins to develop with a chromosomal abnormality, which invariably leads to miscarriage.
2. Anatomical causes
Abnormal structure of the uterus - is the second most common cause of recurrent miscarriage. To the list of concerns irregular shape of the uterus, the presence in her septum, deforming body cavity benign tumors (eg, fibroids, fibroids, fibroids). Also refer to the number of scars formed from previous surgical procedures (such as caesarean section, removal fibromatous nodes moxibustion cervical erosion, electric current, etc.).
Besides a large role in habitual miscarriage muscle weakness plays rings of the cervix. For this reason, miscarriage often occurs at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. This anomaly can be either congenital or acquired, as a result of traumatic injuries due to frequent abortions, cervical rupture during labor or cleaning. It can also be caused by hormonal disorders (eg, increasing the number of male sex hormones).
3. Hormonal Imbalance
We prove that the lower levels of the hormone progesterone are very important to maintain pregnancy in the initial terms. In some cases, pronounced hormonal disorders may be the result of multiple cysts in the ovaries, thyroid disease or diabetes.
Hormonal imbalance usually brings harm in early pregnancy, namely until 16 that week. In the later period of hormones are provided by the placenta.
4. Immunological factors
This can be explained by the specific characteristics of the organism of each person to produce antibodies to fight infections. But it happens that in the expectant mothers begin to form antibodies that destroy its own cells (autoantibodies). Because of this, a woman can appear serious health problems occur and miscarriage.
5. Infectious causes
A special place among all causes of recurrent miscarriage is given infection in the genitals. The main agents in this case are ureaplasma and mycoplasma. Avert the threat of a possible miscarriage of advance planning can be examined by a doctor.
6. Thrombophilia
Is a disease characterized by impaired blood clotting (thickening occurs it). When habitual miscarriage, usually marked genetically inherited thrombophilia. The presence of relatives of diseases of the cardiovascular system (eg heart attack or stroke, hypertension, venous pathology, and others.) Threatens that expectant mothers can develop hereditary thrombophilia. During her pregnancy the placenta formed microthrombuses capable of upsetting the circulation and lead to abortion.
Standard examination with repeated miscarriages
We suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of major surveys and analyzes prescribed for habitual miscarriage:
Consult specialist genetics;
Ultrasound or nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs (by prescription);
Endoscopic examination of the uterine cavity (hysteroscopy);
Examination of the blood for the presence of infections such as herpes and cytomegalovirus;
Swab from the genitals to test for chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma;
Bacteriological analysis of secretions from the cervix;
Uterine endometrial biopsy with histological and bacteriological studies. Conducted to determine the presence of bacterial infection on day 7-8 of the menstrual cycle;
Taking blood antisperm, antifosofolipidnye antibodies as well as antibodies to progesterone and hCG;
Immunological studies;
Determination of the rate of blood clotting (coagulation);
Check blood for genetic predisposition to thrombophilia.
In the event that the cause of recurrent miscarriage was not detected even after a comprehensive examination, the spouses do not lose hope. According to statistics, 65% of all known cases after several miscarriages still come safely proceeding pregnancy. To do this, you must comply with all requirements of doctors and do not forget about proper interval between the previous and subsequent pregnancies.
Full physical recovery after miscarriage occurs for a period from a few weeks to a month or two (depending on at what exactly the term of the pregnancy was interrupted). But for emotional stabilization sometimes requires much more time.
The main methods of treatment
Contacting a qualified and experienced professional - a pledge of future full gestation. After a series of surveys and identify the main causes of abortion, you can begin treatment.
In that case, if the woman or her spouse were identified congenital genetic anomalies , geneticists can advise holding IVF (in vitro fertilization or, more simply, in vitro fertilization in vitro). In this case will be used for fertilization, donor eggs or sperm (depends on who it is from the partners were detected chromosomal abnormalities).
If women have a place in the structure of the anomalies of the uterus , the treatment of recurrent miscarriage would be to remove structural defects and close supervision throughout the period of pregnancy. At the muscular weakness collar around the neck of the uterus, usually superimposed special seam. This procedure is called "cervical seklyazhem" and is held at the beginning of pregnancy.
When insufficient blood progesterone (if the woman was identified hormonal imbalance), the doctor is obliged to appoint a similar application of the hormone drugs - progestins. One such medication is utrogestan. It is very easy to use, as it can be taken both internally and by the introduction into the vagina. Vaginal administration method has more advantages, as the local absorption provides faster delivery of progesterone in uterine blood flow. Dosage and treatment should be prescribed only by the attending physician.
In identifying the causes of immunologic treatment of recurrent miscarriage is based on the use of small doses of aspirin and other agents that promote blood thinners. The same therapy is indicated for thrombophilia.
For the treatment of infections shown antibiotics: ofloksina, doxycycline or vibromitsina. Antibiotic therapy should be administered to both partners. Control examination for the presence of pathogens in the body of the above is carried out one month after treatment.
It is important to know that seeing a pregnant woman with recurrent pregnancy loss should be done every week, and if necessary - often with hospitalization.
What signs indicate the threat of miscarriage?
After the appropriate treatment, and with the beginning of a new pregnancy, women should be more carefully listen to your own body. This does not mean that it needs to constantly worry about possible problems, but the timely identification of danger signs can help to keep the child in the event of a threat.
The characteristic symptom of threatened abortion is the appearance of bleeding . Bleeding from the vagina during spontaneous abortion usually begins suddenly. In some cases it is preceded by dragging pain in the lower abdomen. These painful feelings resemble the same as those appearing before menstruation.
Besides the allocation of blood from the genital tract are considered dangerous following symptoms: weakness throughout the body , malaise, nausea sharp decrease that was present before, fever, intense emotional stress.
However, it is worth remembering that not all occurrences of bleeding during the initial term ends miscarriage. If a woman has appeared any vaginal discharge, she needs as soon as possible to see a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to conduct the necessary examination, while defining the status of the fetus, the presence of uterine cervical opening, and the appropriate treatment to help maintain the pregnancy.
If bleeding from the genital tract were found in the hospital in the first place is held vaginal study. In the case before this miscarriage occurs only once in the first trimester, the study should be conducted shallow. If the miscarriage occurred in the second trimester or the woman happened more than two spontaneous abortion, shows a complete examination.
Remember that pregnancy will pass favorably only if you truly believe in its happy outcome. The appearance of two long-awaited strips on the test - this is only the beginning. Smooth throughout pregnancy will depend only on your emotional health, so try less to worry about. Be attentive to all the signs of your body and do not forget the often observed by a doctor, because the children are our bright future that make a joy to the gray everyday life and demonstrates that care for them from the very conception - and there is the real happiness.